Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) Myths - Viva Training Centre

An Air Source Heat pump is a powerful and versatile heating, ventilation, and cooling system that transfers heat from outside to inside your home. There are so many myths surrounding the purchase of an Air Source Heat Pump that it’s hard to know what information is accurate and what is a myth. The article will go through many different myths surrounding ASHP.

Myths Surrounding ASHP

1. Consumer Demand for Heat Pumps Is Low

This is a very common myth because heat pumps were less efficient in the past. Air Source Heat Pumps are much more efficient, and now you can get a rebate on your tax for purchasing an Air Source Heat Pump. Air Source Heat Pumps are also greener, cleaner, and more environmentally friendly than any other heating source. Heat pumps are something to consider when purchasing with these rebates and incentives. The consumer market for heat pumps will continue to grow as people become more interested in these units’ efficiency and environmentally friendly qualities.

2. Heat Pumps Are Only Suitable for New Builds

This is another common myth surrounding Air Source Heat Pumps. Heat pumps are suitable for any home; they can be installed in older homes to make them more efficient or installed in a new build. Air Source Heat Pumps Will not become obsolete anytime soon and will be a great way to heat your home for years to come. A retrofit ASHP installation is also a great way to save money on your monthly utility bill. Old houses can also be kept more comfortable with a heat pump.

3. Heat Pumps Do Not Work Efficiently In The Winter Months

This is another untrue myth. The efficiency of a heat pump is far higher in the winter months than in the summer, and this is because in the summer when it’s warmer, less refrigerant is moved. For these heat pumps to be efficient, they must frequently run and constantly move their refrigerant. During the winter, when it’s cold, there are many more hours of low energy consumption, making this an ideal time for an Air Source Heat Pump. A heat pump is also a great asset when a traditional heating system is not working in the winter because it will keep your house warm.

4. Heat Pump Product Training Is Not Essential

Heat pump training is essential for anyone purchasing one of these units to use it properly. Air Source Heat Pumps are very easy to use as long as you have proper instruction on maintenance. It is a great way to save money and make your home more comfortable and environmentally friendly. Training will help you understand how the unit works and how to use it properly. Training will also help you prevent damage in the future when using your Air Source Heat Pump.

5. Heat Pumps Are Noisy And Can Disturb Neighbours

This is another myth that is not true. Air Source Heat pumps are a lot quieter than traditional heating units. They are also a lot cleaner and much more environmentally friendly. Air Source Heat Pumps produce very little noise and will not be disruptive to your neighbours. Air source heat pumps also don’t require ducts to distribute the heat like a traditional system, so there is less noise and disturbance to your neighbours. No worry is needed to disturb anyone with an Air Source Heat Pump.

6. Air Heat Pumps Are Expensive To Buy And Run

This is a myth that is not true at all. Air Source Heat Pumps can be very expensive, but there are many different financing options available if you look into them. The benefits of an Air Source Heat Pump far outweigh the costs, and you will save money in the long run. Air source heat pumps last much longer than traditional heating systems, so there won’t be any need to replace them for years. Air source heat pumps require little maintenance, and they should schedule a cleaning every year to clean out the unit and prevent any damage. These units are reliable and hardly need repairs or replacement parts installed.

7. Heat Pumps Take Up Too Much Space

It is a common myth that Air Source Heat Pumps take up a lot of space. This is not the case at all. Heat pumps can be installed on any roof and don’t require much room. The unit is smaller than a traditional system, and there are no ducts or vents to take up space. Heat pumps come with wireless remote control that allows you to make adjustments from anywhere in your home. Air source heat pumps are very energy-efficient, so the unit does not need to run for too long therefore taking up very little space in your home.

8. Heat Pumps Only Work With Underfloor Heating And Not With Radiators

This myth is inaccurate; if you have an input for a heat pump and an output for your radiator or system, you can install an Air Source Heat Pump. You can add it to your baseboard radiators, or you can add it to a boiler or steam system. This great way to heat your home without needing ductwork or vents.

9. Air Source Heat Pumps Are Not As Energy Efficient As The Competition

Again, this is an untrue myth. Air Source Heat Pumps are more energy efficient than traditional heating systems because they rely on outside air temperatures and use less refrigerant. With an Air Source Heat Pump, you do not need input for a heat pump; you only need the output for your radiator or system.

10. Air Source Heat Pumps Do Not Work In Areas With No Air Conditioning

This is a myth that is just not true, and this myth stems from the fact that in certain areas where there are no air conditioning units, it may get very hot during hot months. This is not a problem because heat pumps will still operate effectively during the summer months in these places. Air source heat pumps do not have to rely on air conditioning alone to work; they are also dependent on the temperature of outside air, which can remain constant even during the hot month because it’s constantly in contact with metal surfaces.

In conclusion, Air source heat pumps are a great way to save money while being environmentally friendly. These units are reliable and can last for many years under good conditions. Air source heat pumps are also straightforward and do not require much maintenance.


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