Air Source Heat Pump Maintenance - Viva Training Center

An Air Source Heat Pump is a system that extracts heat from the air outside and transfers it into your home. This system can help save on the energy cost of heating your home, making it an all-around excellent investment. The most important part, however, is caring for the system and using it correctly so that you get all of its energy-saving benefits.

Regular maintenance is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your air source heat pump works properly together with some basic at home maintenance:

1. Remove any Obstructions

One of the effective ways to allow adequate airflow to your unit is to keep any trees or bushes at least five feet away from it. If you notice branches overhanging the compressor unit, trim them or remove them.

2. Check the Condenser

The condenser is a critical part of any air source heat pump as it is responsible for taking in heat from outside and converting it into usable energy for your home. It is essential to check the unit regularly to ensure that the fan is not deformed or damaged and that all parts are firmly attached.

3. Clean the Unit

Regularly clean your unit with a soft brush. This will help keep your heat pump working properly, as debris and dirt can clog up the tubes located throughout your unit and lead to performance issues.

Cleaning or replacing air filters is a crucial maintenance that your installer should manage. These filters collect dust, pollen, and dirt and help keep them away from the system. When air filters get too dirty, they will overwork, leading to overheating and damage to the system.

4. Replace the Belts

Cleaning or replacing your belts is essential as this will help ensure you get the maximum performance out of your heat pump. This will allow them to operate more efficiently and help prevent malfunctioning when used.

It is recommended that an air source heat pump trained technician conduct any internal maintenance. If you do want to be doing some of your own maintenance, grab a hoover and vacuum inside and outside your unit to remove any debris that could cause damage to the fan or circuit board or limit airflow.

5. Inspecting Indoor Coils

Your indoor coils are designed to remove the heat from your home. Dirt, dust, and other debris can build up on them slowly over time and reduce their ability to absorb heat from inside your home.

Although this usually does not happen immediately, over time it can build up. Just like when you move the fridge every now and again and get surprised by the amount of cobwebs and dust is collecting behind the unit.

6. Check Ducts Leakages

The ducts connecting your system to the outdoors carry air and expel heat. Leaking ducts lead to poor air circulation and make it difficult for your system to extract heat from the outdoors due to limited airflow.

If you notice any cracks, call in your technician.

7. Check Electrical Wiring

Having your wiring checked regularly for any damage or signs of wear is all part of a normal service, however if you do notice anything before your service date, call your installer.

8. Inspect for Refrigerant Levels

The refrigerant is responsible for moving heat from the indoor coils to the inside of your home. With low refrigerant levels, your system cannot circulate air properly, and your unit may become sluggish and ineffectual.

If you notice that it is leaking or has low refrigerant levels, you will need to consult a technician to get this fixed as soon as possible. This could cause your heat pump unit to overheat, which will cost more than the expense of replacing the refrigerant.

9. Check for Wear

While your system may not need significant repairs regularly, some signs indicate that you will need a replacement soon. Don’t ignore the tell tale signs.

10. Lubricating Moving Parts

Typically, moving parts are prone to wear and tear and need a little extra lubrication from time to time. If you are unsure how, check your systems manual or ask the service technition on their next visit.

Benefits of Air Source Heat Pump Maintenance

Save Time and Money

Yes – a proper maintenance schedule will save you time and money in having your unit running efficiently.

Reduced Energy Consumption

Running efficiently reduces energy consumption, after all this was the whole point of installing a ASHP system.

Greater Comfort

An efficient system will have better responses to temperature requirement, especially during our heatwave.

Increased Lifespan

All systems will have a lifespan attached, regular and correct maintenance could extend this even further.


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