Air Source Heat Pumps FAQs - Viva Training Centre

Frequently asked questions about air source heat pumps.

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What Is a Heat Pump and Its Purpose?

These are devices that direct hot air from one area to another to keep buildings warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The process works regardless of the temperature because there will always be some heat to source from.

How Many Varieties of Heat Pump Exist?

There are two main categories of heat pumps 1) air source and 2) ground source. Air source heat pumps interact with heat from the air. Ground source heat pumps take heat from the ground and have no interest in temperatures from the air.

What Are Ductless Systems?

As the name may lead you to believe, ductless systems do not need air pipes. These layouts involve indoor and outdoor heads that are tethered to the wall like a bathroom fan. Each of these breaks between the indoors and outdoors is independent and can be toggled as the user needs.

Is the Old Heater or Boiler Necessary If I Am Installing a Heat Pump?

While heat pumps are capable of yielding a fair degree of warmth, it is best to keep other heating sources around in case the temperature plummets or your situation does not permit the heat pump’s heads to be sufficient. Consult your building’s regulations to figure how which devices are ideal for your building.

What Goes Into Installing a Heat Pump and How Much Time Does the Installation Take?

Most heat pump installation jobs can be finished within three days. This is because an outdoor unit needs to be installed, as well as an indoor unit to replace the previous heating device. In the case of ductless systems, installation only takes one day. Ground source pumps tend to take more than one day to install as they require digging a borehole.

How Much Does a Heat Pump Cost?

While every home is different, the general scale is that the price increases with the complexity of your system. Generally speaking, you are looking at somewhere between £7,000 to £40,000.

What Sort of Incentives Come With Buying a Heat Pump?

England’s government is very concerned with greenhouse gasses and the ravages of climate change so many programs have been created to encourage its citizenry and businesses to go green. One notable program, the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive shuttered on March 31st, 2022.

What is the Lifespan of a Heat Pump?

Your average heat pump, if given regular monitoring and maintenance, can last 15 to 20 years.

What Sort of Maintenance is Requires of a Heat Pump?

While the average person can do some maintenance by keeping the pump clean, there are several technical parts that should be checked by a proper air source heat pump technician. It is best to perform an annual check on the device to make sure that everything is in working order and to notice issues before they become catastrophic or systemic problems.

Can You Run a Heat Pump 24 Hours a Day?

You do not need to run the machine every hour of the day and this is not just because it can be quite costly to do so. You should only have the heat pump going when you really need it; a properly insulated home will only require running the heat pump for a few hours to bring things to a comfortable temperature. Now what constitutes a necessary amount of time spend running depends entirely on the amount of heat you need and how much gets lost from subpar insulation.

Is a Heat Pump Programmable?

Yes, most models of heat pump do feature the ability to program it only activate during certain hours of the day.

Does Setting a Heat Pump to High Power Cut Down the Time it Takes to Heat a Room?

It is neither useful nor productive to treat a heat pump like a radiator. Setting the heat pump to high temperatures will place the device under strain as it tries to absorb the ambient heat in pursue of a hot temperature. It is best to instead set the temperature to the require level and allow it to warm; this will not only be achieved sooner but also conserve energy.

How Do I Choose the Correct Heat Pump Size?

Knowing the ideal pump size for your home is important as it affects how much you will pay for your energy bills and also affect the device’s performance. When you think over the best device size for your home, consider the quality of your building’s insulation and its orientation; these factors will help you figure out where the heat can best be dispersed. You should also consider the size of the structure and the average winter temperature of the area-lower temperatures mean that the heat pump has to work harder to warm things up.

Does a Heat Pump Avoid Condensation?

Yes it does. In fact, a heat pump serves as a dehumidifier whether you run it to heat or cool. Furthermore, the heating mode’s circulation of water through pipes removes humidity.

How Frequently Should I Clean my Heat Pump?

The more frequently you clean your heat pump, the more efficient it can run. A properly cleaned heat pump is free of dust, leaves and other duct-cluttering materials and is checked every two weeks.

Do Heat Pumps Pull Heat From the Outdoors?

Yes, because heat exchange is how a heat pump works. Heat pumps pull heat from an outdoor heat exchanger coil and pull it into the system ducts via an indoor heat exchanger coil.

Why Do Heat Pumps Generate Steam on Cold Days?

This is a perfectly normal sign that the heat pump is engaging in its defrost cycle. This causes the outdoor fan to stop, allowing the temperature to rise and help in melting ice, followed by switching the device to its conditioning mode where it functions as a condenser.

Is a Heat Pump a Noisy Device?

The average heat pump is no more noisome than a boiler or other major appliances found throughout a home.

Is a Heat Pump an Environmentally Friendly?

The short answer here is “yes.” The longer answer is “yes, provided the house is well-insulated and the system is working at a suitable level of functionality.”

Do Heat Pumps Come in “Smart” Varieties That Link to my Devices?

Yes, there are several varieties of heat pump that allow you to operate them remotely. Furthermore, you can observe the amount of energy being used in order to optimize operation of your heat pump and figure out the most cost-conscious means of keeping the temperature at a nice and comfortable level within your building.

Why Does the Air Escaping My Heat Pump Seem Cooler Than the Air Produced by My Boiler?

This difference in air temperature comes down to how these two devices provide heat. A furnace channels hot air into a home in controlled bursts; an air heat pump generates warm air for prolonged periods of time. The amount of heat generated is the same but air heat pumps do it more efficiently, resulting in a steady and comforting stream of warmth.

Why Does My Heat Pump Sometimes Produce a Gurgling Noise?

An air heat pump involves an indoor and outdoor unit. These units are connected by copper piping that channels refrigerant back and forth. As this refrigerant travels along those copper pipes, this can result in a gurgling noise. If you hear this noise, know that it is a perfectly normal aspect of an operational air heat pump and not a sign of something faulty.


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