New ‘Heat Pump Hub’ Opened in Halifax - Viva Training Centre

Viva Training, based in Halifax, has become West Yorkshire’s first Sustainable Homes Centre (SHC), partnering with leading heat pump manufacturer, Daikin, to provide a ‘hub’ for installers, developers and consumers looking to find out about, purchase and/or train in heat pump installation.

Officially opened by Mayor of Calderdale, Chris Pillai, on the 7th April, the launch attracted the attention of a number of local installers, housing associations and developers who came along to meet the Viva and Daikin teams, and listen to a series of presentations which explained the benefits of heat pumps and the market opportunities.

In his opening address, the Mayor said: “I am pleased to officially open Halifax’s Daikin Sustainable Homes Centre, a place where our local community can find out about the exciting opportunities presented by heat pumps.

“From home owners looking to save money on their fuel bills and ‘go green’, to heat pump installers wanting to train and take advantage of the opportunities presented by a low carbon future, the Sustainable Centre at Viva, will provide an important ‘heat pump hub’ for the area.”

The launch has coincided with the government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme, which will see consumers eligible for up to £6,000 grant towards the installation of a heat pump and the recent removal of VAT on renewable technologies. These incentives, plus the rising cost of gas and oil, are creating increased demand for low carbon, energy saving alternatives to ‘traditional’ fossil fuel heating.

As a heat pump training provider, Viva can offer installers training and advice on taking advantage of this emerging marketplace. For end users, including individual homeowners, social housing and private developers, the SHC will provide a place to purchase heat pumps and get matched with a suitable local installation company.

Richard Firth, MD of the Viva, said: “Partnering with Daikin means we’re not only able to support homeowners and provide them with the best products in the market; we can also offer training, including Daikin specific product training and a Level 3 air source heat pump course to installers, create new job opportunities in the area and help make our national carbon reduction goals more achievable.

“We were incredibly pleased to welcome the Mayor of Halifax to our launch, helping us to kick-start our exciting next chapter.”

Iain Bevan, Commercial Manager – Heating & Renewables at Daikin UK, commented: “It’s never been more important that homeowners who want to go green can access expert advice and guidance, helping them find the best solution for their household’s heating and hot water needs. And the need for heat pump installers to train on sustainable technologies is paramount.

“Collaboration is key on the road to net zero, and our Sustainable Home Centres act as hubs where we all come together to drive progress.”

To visit Viva’s Sustainable Centre in Halifax, please contact or call, 0800 6123177 to make an appointment.

For more information Viva’s Sustainable Centre, visit:

For more information on Daikin, visit:


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