Come for a tour, we’d love to show you around!

We’re really proud of our centre at Viva, and we love helping people decide on the best training requirements for their particular career goals.

We recommend that all learners on our new entrants’ gas course (Managed Learning Programme) come and visit Viva first, so we can explain what the course entails and you can make sure it’s right for you before signing up.

All potential customers are welcome, however! If you’re interested in training with Viva on any of our courses and want a chat about your future business plans and how our qualifications might help, give us a call to arrange a visit. Tel: 0800 612 3177

Covid safety restrictions: Under normal circumstances, we welcome visitors dropping in, but at the moment, we are organising open-house sessions for individuals or a couple of people at a time so that everyone is COVID safe. All visitors must wear a mask.

Open day sessions at Viva Training, what happens when you visit?

Once we’ve welcomed you to the centre, you’ll sit down with one of us in a comfortable training room and discuss the course/s you’re interested in.

You’ll have the chance to ask any questions and talk about your plans for the future.

During your visit, we’ll give you a tour of the facilities. We can explain how our courses are structured and we’ll show you how we split teaching between our fantastic workshop and the training rooms.

You’ll be introduced to the staff and trainers in the centre that day, and if we’ve a training group on-site at the time, you’ll have the chance to meet them and speak to one of the trainees so you can find out what raining with Viva is really like.

Book a tour of Viva Training 

To join us for a tour of the centre and the chance to check out what we can offer, please give us a call and we’ll book you in.

Tel: 0800 612 3177

We look forward to meeting you soon!


Alternatively send us a message, and we’ll give you a call back.