RIDDOR for Gas Engineers - Viva Training Centre

RIDDOR – The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences stands at the forefront of these safety protocols. Established in 2013, RIDDOR is not just another piece of legislation; it’s the bedrock that ensures the safety of the public and those working within the gas industry.

RIDDOR’s central tenet revolves around mandatory reporting. From workplace injuries to potentially dangerous gas fittings, the protocol mandates a clear line of communication about potential hazards. This reporting isn’t just about ticking off legal boxes. Every report becomes a crucial data point that helps identify recurring issues, guides the implementation of preventive measures, and, most crucially, saves lives.

For gas engineers, understanding RIDDOR isn’t just about compliance. It’s about fostering a culture of accountability and safety. In a field where the margin for error can be razor-thin, being informed about RIDDOR is both a professional responsibility and a moral imperative.


What is RIDDOR?

For gas engineers, grasping the nuances of RIDDOR is fundamental. It’s not just about legal compliance; it’s a cornerstone of our commitment to safety in every facet of our work.

Definition and Origins of RIDDOR

RIDDOR, The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences, was established in 2013 as a pivotal piece of UK legislation. Designed with workplace safety in mind, RIDDOR outlines the necessary procedures for reporting and documenting specific incidents, injuries, and diseases in professional environments. It’s not limited to the gas sector but extends across various industries, acting as a protective shield for employees and the general public.

Its origins can be traced back to an ever-evolving understanding of workplace hazards and the necessity for transparency in documenting and addressing them. As industries, techniques, and technologies grew more complex, so did the need for a comprehensive reporting mechanism. RIDDOR emerged as a response to this growing need, offering a structured and consistent approach to safety reporting.

RIDDOR in the Gas Industry

In the realm of gas engineering, the stakes are high. A single oversight can lead to catastrophic outcomes, endangering lives and property. Given the inherent risks associated with gas, RIDDOR’s role becomes even more vital.

For gas engineers and related professionals, RIDDOR mandates the reporting of specific types of incidents. These include:

  • Work-related accidents resulting in death.
  • Work-related accidents leading to serious injuries, termed as “reportable injuries”.
  • Dangerous occurrences with potential harm, particularly on gas incidents.

But it’s not just about reporting accidents post-facto. RIDDOR has particular gas fittings, appliances, and associated equipment provisions. If, in a gas engineer’s professional opinion, any equipment or fitting is deemed so dangerous that it could lead to death, unconsciousness, or necessitates hospital treatment, it falls under RIDDOR’s reporting umbrella.

Legal Implications and Requirements

Non-compliance with RIDDOR isn’t an option. The legal implications for failing to report as mandated can be severe, including hefty fines and, in extreme cases, imprisonment. For gas engineers, understanding these requirements is paramount:

  • Dangerous gas fittings, as defined by the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998, need reporting.
  • Instances that qualify as Immediately Dangerous (ID) under the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure are reportable.
  • Even if a dangerous fitting has been repaired, it still requires reporting under RIDDOR.

RIDDOR isn’t just about punitive measures for non-compliance; it’s a tool that aids enforcing authorities in identifying potential risks, paving the way for a safer gas industry.


Understanding RIDDOR 11(1) vs. Regulation 11(2)

For gas engineers, the labyrinth of regulations can sometimes blur. Yet, when it comes to the distinctions between RIDDOR 11(1) and Regulation 11(2), clarity is paramount. These distinctions don’t just dictate our daily duties; they shape our entire approach to safety and responsibility.

Duty on Gas Conveyors: RIDDOR 11(1)

At its core, RIDDOR 11(1) zeros in on the responsibilities of gas conveyors, importers, suppliers, or fillers of LPG refillable containers. It’s imperative when a gas incident leads to fatal consequences, unconsciousness, or hospitalisation. If such incidents arise, the onus falls on the gas conveyor to report it.


  • Primary Focus: The emphasis is on the importers and suppliers of gas.
  • Incident Relevance: Specific to severe gas incidents causing death, unconsciousness, or necessitating hospital care.

Gas Engineer Requirements: Regulation 11(2)

Moving onto Regulation 11(2), this is where we, the gas engineers, come into the spotlight. It directs our actions when we encounter dangerous gas fittings that are potentially lethal or can cause unconsciousness or hospitalisation due to design, construction, installation, modification, or incorrect servicing.


  • Primary Focus: Tailored for gas engineers and our hands-on dealings with gas fittings.
  • Incident Relevance: Centres around dangerous gas fittings potentially threatening life and well-being.

Real-world Scenarios

To further cement understanding, let’s delve into a couple of scenarios:

Scenario 1 (RIDDOR 11(1)): A gas supplier imports a batch of LPG refillable containers. Upon distribution, it’s discovered that there’s a defect in the containers, leading to a series of incidents where individuals lose consciousness due to gas leakage. Here, the responsibility to report falls squarely on the shoulders of the gas supplier.

Scenario 2 (Regulation 11(2)): As a gas engineer, while inspecting a domestic property’s gas appliance, you find that it’s been incorrectly serviced by a previous technician. This has led to accidental gas leakage, endangering the residents. As per Regulation 11(2), you must report this dangerous gas fitting.

In our line of work, understanding these regulations isn’t just about ticking boxes; it’s about upholding the safety standards that our industry rests upon. Knowledge of when and how to report under RIDDOR 11(1) or Regulation 11(2) is vital in ensuring that risks are identified, addressed, and prevented from recurring.



While technical knowledge and hands-on skills are pivotal, so is the duty to report, especially within the framework of RIDDOR.

Legal Obligations

RIDDOR isn’t just a set of guidelines; it’s enshrined in law. For gas engineers, adhering to RIDDOR isn’t just about abiding by professional standards but legal compliance. Every reported incident, from minor to major, informs a larger data set that shapes national safety protocols. By fulfilling this duty:

  • Accountability: Legal obligations ensure that every stakeholder in the gas industry, from suppliers to engineers, remains answerable for their actions.
  • A Safety Net: A framework is in place to catch, address, and rectify any mishaps, preventing them from falling through the cracks and possibly escalating.

Diligent Reporting

Reporting isn’t just a statutory mandate; it’s a proactive step towards fostering an environment of utmost safety. Here’s how:

  • Enhanced Safety Protocols: Each reported incident becomes a lesson learned. As engineers share insights about hazards, the collective knowledge drives the creation of more robust safety measures.
  • Spotlight on Risk: Reporting helps identify patterns. Are certain appliances consistently flagged as hazards? Is there a particular installation method leading to recurrent issues? These insights spotlight areas needing urgent attention, ensuring resources are channelled effectively.
  • Enforcement and Interventions: Through reporting, the enforcing authorities, like the HSE, gain clarity on where the most pressing dangers lie. This means they can prioritise investigations, allocate resources smartly, and provide bespoke advice to prevent work-related hazards.


Gas Fittings

Distinguishing between a routine observation and a reportable incident can sometimes be a fine line. The Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998 and its amendments offer clarity on this matter. However, as any seasoned engineer would attest, understanding and applying the law in real-world situations can be two different challenges. Let’s unpack this.

Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998:

The Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations 1998 provides the blueprint for safe gas fittings. Amended over the years to reflect evolving industry standards, this regulation:

Defines Gas Fittings: This encompasses pipework, regulators, meters, and appliances.

Safety Criteria: For a gas fitting to be deemed safe, it should be free from design flaws, correctly installed, not modified in ways that compromise safety, and routinely serviced.

Recognising Dangerous Gas Fittings

Visible warning signs don’t always accompany a gas fitting that threatens safety. However, there are some scenarios where it becomes reportable under RIDDOR:

Risk of Accidental Gas Leakage: If the design or condition of an appliance or fitting leads to the possibility of unintentional gas release, it falls under this category.

Incomplete Combustion: An appliance that doesn’t burn gas fully, perhaps due to design flaws or service lapses, is a potential hazard.

Inadequate Removal of Combustion Products: If the flue or ventilation system connected to a gas fitting isn’t efficiently expelling combustion by-products, it becomes a RIDDOR reportable concern.

In simpler terms, if a gas fitting can cause death, unconsciousness, or necessitate hospital treatment due to the reasons above, it’s a red flag.

Turning to GIUSP for Guidance

The Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure (GIUSP) is a valuable tool for gas engineers. Think of it as a guiding hand, helping you navigate the grey areas of gas safety. How does it assist?

Risk Assessment Framework: GIUSP offers a structured approach to assess and classify dangerous situations. This ensures consistency in how engineers across the UK evaluate risks.

Actionable Steps for Dangerous Situations: Beyond identification, the GIUSP outlines the necessary steps to address and rectify unsafe installations.

RIDDOR Reporting Protocol: GIUSP clarifies the reporting process, ensuring engineers comply with RIDDOR in both spirit and letter.

It’s essential to remember that not every dangerous gas fitting is RIDDOR-reportable. For instance, fittings rendered dangerous solely due to lack of maintenance aren’t covered. The key is to balance professional judgment with regulatory guidelines. When in doubt, referring to GIUSP and seeking advice from peers or regulatory bodies can provide the necessary clarity.


Taking Action

Identifying a potentially dangerous gas situation is just the initial step for a gas engineer. Once identified, several actions and decisions follow, each critical to ensuring safety.

The Structured Response:

A systematic approach is imperative:

Initial Observation: Observe the gas fitting or appliance. Is there visible damage, odd sounds, or unusual odours?

Consult GIUSP: The Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure provides a clear framework for risk assessment. Referencing it ensures your review aligns with industry standards.

Classify the Danger Level: Based on your observations and the GIUSP guidelines, classify the danger level. This might range from ‘Immediately Dangerous’ to ‘Not to Current Standards’.

Determine Immediate Actions: Depending on the danger classification, decide on the immediate steps. This might involve turning off the appliance, cordoning an area, and informing the building’s occupants.


As with many professional undertakings, if it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.

Photographic Evidence: Before making any adjustments or repairs, take clear photos from multiple angles. These can serve as invaluable evidence in case of disputes or for regulatory compliance.

Written Records: Document the situation, your observations, actions taken, and any recommendations. This written record should be precise, objective, and free from jargon.

Retain Records: Store these records securely for your reference and as a requirement under RIDDOR. They could be pivotal in future safety audits, investigations, or legal proceedings.

When Immediate Fixes Are Necessary

Sometimes, the danger might necessitate immediate fixes to ensure safety. In such scenarios:

Preserve the Original State: Ideally, you should retain the dangerous setup for evidence. However, if immediate rectification is imperative, ensure you have adequate photographic evidence first.

Inform the Stakeholders: Before making any adjustments, communicate the risks and necessary actions to relevant parties, like building occupants or management.

Expert Guidance:

Even seasoned engineers can occasionally encounter situations that leave them in a quandary. When in doubt:

Reach Out: The Gas Safe Technical Helpline is there for a reason. It offers expert advice tailored to your situation, ensuring you make informed decisions.

Collaborative Decision-making: While the Helpline provides guidance, remember that onsite decisions rest with you. Use the advice as a tool, not a crutch.


Gas Engineer Responsibilities under RIDDOR 11(2)

Gas engineers play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of gas installations and appliances. RIDDOR 11(2) stipulates specific responsibilities for these professionals, highlighting the importance of thorough reporting to prevent potential hazards and ensure a safer environment.

Gas engineers must remain vigilant to three primary hazards:

Accidental Gas Leakages: These refer to any unintended gas release. Even a minor leak can escalate rapidly, leading to explosive situations. Early detection and reporting are vital to prevent catastrophic events.

Incomplete Combustion of Gas: A fully functional gas appliance should ensure complete combustion. If this doesn’t occur, it can lead to the release of toxic gases like carbon monoxide. Reporting instances of incomplete combustion helps prevent potential poisoning incidents.

Inadequate Removal of Combustion Products: Efficient removal of the combustion by-products is as crucial as the combustion itself. If there’s an obstruction or malfunction in the ventilation system, harmful gases could accumulate, leading to health risks.

Detailed Reporting

When it comes to reporting under RIDDOR 11(2), the devil is in the details:

Comprehensive Descriptions: A detailed account of the problem, location, and potential implications is essential. For instance, if there’s a leak, specifying its size, rate, and exact position can be invaluable during subsequent investigations.

Evidence Matters: Supporting your report with visual evidence is pivotal. Clear photographs, taken from multiple angles, can provide an unbiased account of the issue. Any relevant paperwork, like maintenance logs or installation reports, can also provide valuable context.

Actions Undertaken: Mentioning any immediate remedial measures taken can be beneficial. This could include isolating the leak source or ensuring adequate ventilation to combat toxic gas build-up.


The HSE’s Role

Once your report hits the HSE system, it undergoes a meticulous ‘triage’ process where HSE gas officers assess the reported situation’s severity and urgency. This stage determines:

  • The immediate risks posed by the reported scenario.
  • Whether the case needs an urgent response or if it can be scheduled for a routine investigation.

Gas Safe vs. HSE:

There’s often confusion about the roles played by the Gas Safe Register and HSE in investigations:

Gas Safe Registered Engineer’s Work: If a report highlights potentially dangerous work conducted by a Gas Safe registered engineer, the responsibility of the investigation predominantly falls on the Gas Safe Register. Their mandate is to ensure their registered members maintain the highest safety standards.

Other Cases: The HSE steps in for instances not linked to a Gas Safe registered engineer or concerning larger commercial organisations and catering establishments. The local authority might also be involved, especially in commercial cases.

For many, it might feel like their report vanishes into a bureaucratic abyss, but that’s far from the truth:

Over five years, from 2014/15 to 2018/19, more than 13,000 gas RIDDORs were submitted. These numbers underline the significant workload HSE manages and the importance of each report.

While every report receives an acknowledgement, comprehensive feedback might not always be feasible due to the sheer volume. However, should HSE officers need further details, they will re-establish contact. It’s pivotal to remember that regardless of immediate feedback, each report contributes to a safer working environment by identifying trends, risks, and potential areas of concern.


Record Keeping

Comprehensive and precise record-keeping is imperative in ensuring safety, maintaining accountability, and upholding industry standards.

Accountability & Traceability: Detailed records enable a clear line of accountability. These records can pinpoint specific actions and decisions in case of an issue or an investigation, offering clarity.

Safety Assurance: Should a problem arise with a specific gas fitting or installation, having a clear record can accelerate the diagnosis and remediation process, ensuring swifter resolutions and increased safety.

Legal Compliance: Under many regulations, including RIDDOR, maintaining a precise log of specific actions, incidents, and inspections isn’t just best practice – it’s legally mandated.

What Should Your Records Include?

Installation Details: This covers the specifics of any fitting or appliance installed, including brand, model, date of installation, and location.

Inspection Dates & Findings: Every inspection, whether routine or prompted by a specific concern, should be recorded in detail. This includes findings, potential problems, and any remedial actions taken.

Incident Logs: Any dangerous event, malfunction, or near-miss must be logged. This covers the details of the incident and any immediate responses, investigations, and follow-up actions.

Client Communications: Always document any communications with clients or property owners, especially concerning safety recommendations or instructions.

Storing and Backing Up Your Records

The risk of data loss is very real. Tips for secure storage include:

Multiple Backups: Don’t rely on a single storage medium. Use cloud storage, external hard drives, and even printed copies, ensuring your data survives any unforeseen setbacks.

Encryption & Password Protection: When storing sensitive data, especially electronically, ensure it’s encrypted and password protected, safeguarding against unauthorised access.

Regular Audits: Periodically review your records to ensure they’re complete and up-to-date. This is also an opportunity to remove outdated or redundant files.

Ensuring Your Records Meet Industry Standards

Using standardised templates or software designed for gas engineers can ensure uniformity in your records, making them easier to review and audit.

Regularly check guidelines on record-keeping to ensure your practices remain compliant.

Occasionally, allow a trusted colleague to review your record-keeping system, providing constructive feedback on potential areas of improvement.


Clarifying the Non-Reportables

While the crux of RIDDOR and associated regulations revolve around what needs to be reported, it’s equally essential to distinguish between what doesn’t fall under these stipulations. Misconceptions can lead to unnecessary reporting or, conversely, failing to report when it’s required.

One of the most common misconceptions is that all gas-related issues or problems must be reported under RIDDOR. The guidelines are specific about the occurrences that warrant a report.

Not every fault or inefficiency in a gas appliance requires a RIDDOR report. Only those which present a clear and immediate danger need to be logged.

Exceptions to the Rule

Gas engineers will encounter situations that might seem reportable at first glance but, upon closer examination, are not. Some of these exceptions include:

Rental Properties: While landlords have distinct responsibilities under the Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regulations to ensure the safety of gas appliances, not every fault or issue in rental properties needs a RIDDOR report. Only situations indicative of a broader risk or repeated non-compliance might warrant such action.

Maintenance-Related Dangers: Dangers arising purely from lack of maintenance (like a clogged filter leading to reduced efficiency) might not be reportable unless they pose a direct and immediate threat.

Non-Gas Safety Defects: While a defect in a gas appliance is concerning, it typically doesn’t need a RIDDOR report if the fault is unrelated to gas safety (like an electronic display malfunction).

Avoiding unnecessary reports saves time for the engineer and the overseeing authorities and ensures that genuine, critical dangers are given the prompt attention they deserve. Over-reporting can dilute the seriousness of hazardous situations.


How to Address Non-RIDDOR Gas Concerns

Even if a situation doesn’t fall under the purview of RIDDOR, it doesn’t mean it should be ignored or neglected. There might be instances where poor or illegal gas work is identified, which can still pose significant safety concerns.

Recognising Non-RIDDOR Gas Concerns

Before diving into reporting procedures, it’s essential to understand what constitutes a non-RIDDOR gas concern:

  • Cases where gas work does not meet industry standards but isn’t necessarily dangerous immediately can be a significant concern over time.
  • Situations where unregistered individuals or entities have carried out gas work.
  • Problems related to technical faults or malfunctions that don’t immediately threaten gas safety.

Reporting to the Gas Safe Register

The Gas Safe Register is the UK’s official list of registered gas businesses to work safely and legally on gas appliances. If you identify substandard or unregistered gas work:

  • Always keep detailed notes of what you observed, including the nature of the work, location, and any involved parties.
  • Use the Gas Safe Register’s online portal to submit your findings. This is the primary method for reporting such issues.
  • If the situation is urgent, you can contact the Gas Safe Register directly through their helpline.

Reporting to the HSE

While the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) mainly deals with RIDDOR situations, there are cases where the HSE might need to be informed:

  • If a gas situation poses a significant threat but doesn’t qualify for RIDDOR, reporting to the HSE might still be pertinent.
  • If you consistently notice substandard work from a particular entity, it may be worth informing the HSE.

Distinguishing Between RIDDOR and Other Concerns

It’s crucial for gas engineers to recognise the distinction between RIDDOR reportable events and other concerns:

Immediate Threat: RIDDOR concerns generally pose an immediate and evident threat to safety due to gas-related issues. Non-RIDDOR concerns might be significant but may not have an immediate dangerous consequence.

Legal Implications: RIDDOR reports can have more severe legal repercussions, given their nature, while non-RIDDOR reports can lead to investigations, warnings, and potential legal action if consistent negligence is identified.

Non-RIDDOR gas concerns are equally important and need due attention from gas engineers. By understanding the reporting procedures and distinguishing between RIDDOR and other problems, engineers can ensure that gas safety standards are upheld and that potential hazards are addressed appropriately.


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