Property Developers: DIY for a more profitable future - Viva Training Academy

You may have seen that one of our gas trainees, Toby, is keeping a video diary whilst he’s on our Managed Learning Programme.  

Toby is typical of a lot of our learners – he already has a successful career but is looking to supplement his current work by adding another string to his bow.

Toby has a property portfolio and one of the reasons he decided to train as a gas engineer was to support this side of his business.

So, why does a property developer want to get his hands dirty? 

Do it yourself

If you’re dealing in buying and selling houses, it’s smart to be up-to-speed with the various components inside; gas central heating and hot water systems, electrics, building work, plastering – these are all skills that will help you save money and potentially time.

Waiting for tradespeople can be very frustrating.

Tradespeople are in demand

Gas engineers, in particular, are in high demand; for installation and also maintenance which can be a big problem if you’ve got a number of properties that need attention and can’t get hold of someone to help. 

How great would it be, to be able to sort the problems out yourself? 

You’d obviously save yourself a load of money, but you’ll also save time and have the satisfaction that the work undertaken has been done to your own high standards.

Help with cash flow

The property business is unpredictable. You may not be able to sell something on as quickly as you want to, which can lead to real problems with cash flow. 

If you have another skill to turn to during lean times, you’ll be able to make the most of this and generate the cash you’re lacking in the short-term. 

The extra cash you can earn as an engineer will help you keep things ticking over nicely with the property side of the business. 

Gas engineers can earn decent money these days.

The national average is just short of 35K, with levels rising with experience. 

Business sense

Our trainee engineer Toby is clearly no fool. It makes sense to fully understand the practical side of such an important aspect of property development if that’s what you’re dealing in.

And if you’re a qualified, Gas Safe Registered engineer you’ll have another viable skill to fall back on when you need it.

No experience necessary

Contact us to talk about your training needs. We have new entrants gas courses for candidates with no previous experience.

Training can as little as 15 weeks – we can help you join the lucrative gas industry in a relatively short time frame – ideal for property developers or anyone looking to gain new skills and change their career.


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