Breaking the Mould for Female Gas Engineers - Viva Training Centre

The gas engineering industry in the UK, a critical sector for ensuring safe and efficient energy distribution, has historically been male-dominated. Recent data, however, indicates a gradual shift as more women enter this field. While exact numbers fluctuate, industry reports suggest that female gas engineers represent a small but growing percentage of the workforce. This increasing presence of women not only challenges traditional gender roles but also introduces a fresh perspective in an industry that is crucial for the country’s energy infrastructure. Gender diversity in gas engineering is not just about equal representation; it’s about leveraging the unique strengths and insights that women can bring to this vital sector. This move towards greater diversity is a positive step for the industry, promising innovation and enhanced problem-solving through varied viewpoints and experiences.


The Current Landscape of Gas Engineering

As in many other regions, the gas engineering industry in the UK has been traditionally male-dominated. According to recent statistics, women represent only a tiny fraction of the total workforce in this sector. This disparity is not a recent development but a historical trend deeply rooted in various societal and educational factors. Historically, engineering fields, including gas engineering, have been perceived and promoted as male-oriented professions. This perception, coupled with a lack of encouragement for women to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and careers, has contributed significantly to the gender imbalance. Additionally, industry-specific challenges such as workplace culture and the physical demands of fieldwork have been cited as deterrents for women. However, the current landscape is gradually changing as initiatives to promote gender diversity gain traction and more women enter the field, slowly altering the demographic makeup of the gas engineering industry.


Challenges Faced by Female Gas Engineers

Women in the gas engineering field confront a unique set of societal and professional barriers. Societally, there’s a persistent stereotype that engineering is a male-dominated field, which can discourage women from pursuing careers in this area. Professionally, female gas engineers often face challenges related to workplace culture, such as a lack of female role models, potential gender bias, and, sometimes, an unwelcoming work environment. These factors can create a sense of isolation and hinder career advancement. Real-life experiences shared by female gas engineers often highlight these issues, with many recounting instances of having to constantly prove their capabilities and expertise in a predominantly male workplace. These narratives underscore the resilience and determination of women in the industry but also highlight the need for systemic changes to foster a more inclusive and supportive professional environment.


Benefits of Gender Diversity in Gas Engineering

Research and expert analysis consistently highlight the benefits of a diverse workforce in engineering fields, including gas engineering. Diversity, particularly gender diversity, enhances creativity and innovation by bringing various perspectives and problem-solving approaches. Women in gas engineering can provide fresh insights, challenge conventional thinking, and contribute to a more holistic approach to projects and solutions. Studies have shown that teams with gender diversity tend to have better collaboration and decision-making processes. In an industry as dynamic and evolving as gas engineering, the varied viewpoints offered by a more gender-balanced workforce can lead to improved efficiency, safety standards, and adaptability to new technologies and challenges. The inclusion of women enriches the industry’s talent pool and mirrors the diverse needs and perspectives of the customer base it serves.


New Entrants Gas Course for Female Gas Engineers

The “New Entrants Gas Course” by VIVA Training is a comprehensive 26-week program designed for those entering the gas engineering field, including female gas engineers. It offers full-time and part-time options and covers various topics essential for becoming a Gas Safe registered engineer. The curriculum includes practical and classroom learning, health and safety training, gas legislation, pipework installation skills, and principles of heating design. A significant aspect of the program is the compilation of a portfolio based on actual installations, with support provided for placement and portfolio completion. This course is structured to cater to various levels of prior experience and emphasises a hands-on approach to ensure practical skill development.


Career as a Female Gas Engineer

Gas engineering presents a promising career opportunity for individuals of any age, including women. The industry faces a looming skills gap due to the approaching retirement of a significant portion of its workforce, primarily aged around 55. With over 120,000 gas engineers servicing millions of homes and boilers in the UK, the market offers ample opportunity for new entrants. Additionally, the shift from natural gas to hydrogen in the gas network is gradual, ensuring the relevance of gas engineering skills for years. The role of a gas engineer is dynamic, with varied tasks including installation, servicing, and repair of gas appliances. The profession offers attractive starting salaries, which can significantly increase with experience. Viva Training provides comprehensive training courses for aspiring gas engineers, preparing them for a successful career in this essential and evolving industry.


Retrain as a Gas Engineer

Retraining as a gas engineer is a viable option for those seeking a career change. This profession offers financial stability and job satisfaction, particularly for those who enjoy hands-on, technical work. A gas engineer’s role is diverse, extending beyond boiler repair to encompass various gas appliances in multiple settings. The job demands specialised skills, strong problem-solving abilities, and attention to detail. With the ageing workforce and evolving energy sector, the demand for skilled gas engineers is expected to remain strong. Retraining pathways include apprenticeships or fast-track training programs, each with its timeline and advantages. This career path offers a substantial income and the flexibility to choose between different working environments and specialisations.


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