A Record Year for Heat Pump and Solar Installations -Viva Training Centre

The UK is setting new records in renewable energy installations, firmly placing the nation at the forefront of the global green energy revolution. Official data reveals a remarkable 62% spike in certified installations of heat pumps, solar panels, and battery storage in the UK this year. As households lean into the benefits of sustainable energy solutions, there’s a promising trajectory towards a net-zero future.


Renewable Momentum

The renewable energy landscape in the UK is undergoing a transformative phase, driven by a wave of momentum that underscores the country’s commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly solutions. A pivotal role in this transition can be attributed to the Microgeneration Certification Scheme’s (MCS) endeavours.

The MCS, a hallmark of quality and a testament to certified renewable technologies has recorded a surge in installations that can only be described as unprecedented. Their data paints a picture of an increasingly environmentally-conscious UK, with homeowners, businesses, and institutions all leaning into the allure of sustainable energy sources.

The first quarter of 2023 was nothing short of historical. Over 60,000 small-scale renewable installations came to life in this period, shattering previous records and setting a robust foundation for the rest of the year. This upswing in the early months signals a broader acceptance and adoption of renewable solutions, from individual households to large-scale commercial entities.

The cumulative effect of these installation efforts is palpable. Currently, the UK proudly stands with a small-scale renewable capacity of 4GW. This reflects the nation’s progress in embracing green technologies and alludes to the vast potential that lies ahead. If the present trend continues, and with the collective willpower of the nation, the future will undoubtedly be brighter, cleaner, and greener.


Boiler Upgrade Scheme Support

The transition towards renewable energy is not a journey that can be undertaken solely on enthusiasm and goodwill; it requires tangible support and practical interventions. The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) has been a shining beacon in this trajectory, which has played a catalytic role in steering households towards eco-friendly heating solutions.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme, introduced with the vision of facilitating the UK’s march towards low-carbon heating, is more than just an incentive; it’s a statement of purpose. The scheme offers upfront capital grants, making it economically feasible for households to transition away from traditional boilers and embrace heat pumps, a greener alternative. This initiative underscores the UK government’s commitment to not just preach the virtues of renewable energy but also to put its weight behind tangible measures that make it accessible to the masses.

However, while the BUS has seen considerable traction, the full extent of its potential remains unrealised; between May 2022 and June 2023, a period of substantial growth in renewable installations, only 17,360 vouchers from the scheme were issued. This presents a stark disparity when contrasted with the available pool of 90,000 vouchers.

This underutilisation is a clarion call for heightened promotion, streamlined application processes, and perhaps even re-evaluating the scheme’s outreach mechanisms. The available numbers indicate an opportunity missed and the vast reservoir of potential households that could still be ushered into the renewable fold with the right nudges.


Renewable Installers

Technology and funds are just two of the three pivotal pillars in the race to achieve a sustainable future. The third, often undervalued but indispensable, is a skilled workforce. As the UK surges forward in its renewable installation drive, the demand for qualified installers is reaching unprecedented levels.

While the renewable energy wave has swept across the UK, creating a discernible momentum, an obstacle lurks in human resource limitations. The current number of heat pump installation companies stands at 1,500. However, the aspirations stretch much further, aiming to achieve 600,000 installations yearly. This target necessitates a robust workforce of approximately 50,000 skilled air source heat pump professionals. The present numbers are, to put it mildly, falling short.

Yet, it’s not all clouds on the horizon. The year 2023 brought with it a glimmer of hope. Over 850 contractors took the initiative to upgrade their skills and attain MCS certification. This number surpasses 2022’s count, showcasing an industry recognising its gaps and taking proactive steps to bridge them.

An aggressive approach to training and certification is paramount to sustain the momentum in renewable installations and truly harness the potential of schemes like the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. Investment in educational programs, incentives for certification, and heightened industry collaboration could provide the necessary thrust.

In addition, strategic partnerships with educational institutions, tailored curriculum that aligns with industry needs, and increased awareness campaigns can attract more individuals to this burgeoning sector. Also, government-backed incentives and support mechanisms can ensure that becoming a certified installer is appealing and accessible.


Future Objectives

In a world grappling with the effects of climate change, setting ambitious targets isn’t just admirable; it’s essential. In its quest for a sustainable future, the UK has been forthright about its goals, outlining a clear roadmap for the next decade.

The abundant and increasingly affordable solar energy is at the core of the UK’s renewable objectives. The government has placed its cards on the table with the vision to achieve a staggering 70GW of solar capacity by 2035. Considering the current pace of installations and the potential technological advancements in the pipeline, this goal is not just hopeful but attainable. The ripple effect of such an achievement would be profound, from drastically reducing carbon emissions to fostering a thriving solar industry.

The target for heat pump installations speaks volumes about their significance in the UK’s renewable strategy. By aspiring to install 600,000 heat pumps annually by 2028, the nation is endorsing an alternative to traditional heating methods. These efficient and environment-friendly pumps are set to play a pivotal role in decarbonising domestic heating—a historically difficult sector to revolutionise.

The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) isn’t just a bystander in this journey. By advocating for expanding the Boiler Upgrade Scheme and pushing for higher grant values, MCS underscores the need for efficient and widespread renewable installations—such endorsements from a certified body highlight areas where more support and incentives can accelerate progress.

Perhaps one of the boldest steps proposed is the clarion call to mandate the inclusion of solar panels, heat pumps, and battery storage in all new homes by 2025. Such a directive is a testament to the UK government’s commitment to sustainability. By ensuring every new property is equipped with green technology from the outset, the nation takes a giant leap towards self-sufficiency in renewable energy.



The rise of renewable energy in the UK is not just about government schemes and policy decisions. The industry leaders, pioneers, and stakeholders who shape, guide, and implement these changes are at the heart of this transformation. Their insights, gleaned from years of hands-on experience, paint a vivid picture of the challenges, triumphs, and prospects of the UK’s renewable energy landscape.

Ian Rippin, the dynamic CEO of MCS, firmly believes in the potency of local solutions. Reflecting on the recent surge in small-scale renewable installations, Rippin remarked, “The pace at which we’re seeing homes adopt renewable solutions is not just commendable, it’s essential. Home-grown energy is not merely a concept—it’s the linchpin in the UK’s decarbonisation journey. Every solar panel installed and every heat pump activated brings us one step closer to a sustainable future. And the numbers are a testament to our nation’s resolve.”

While solar installations have been on an upward trend, some believe the industry’s potential has been somewhat underestimated. Gareth Simkins, a key figure at Solar Energy UK, opines, “The projections we had at the beginning of the year were conservative. As we approach the year-end, I won’t be surprised if we look at figures in the ballpark of 250,000 solar installations. It’s an indicator of how rapidly households and businesses are recognising the undeniable value of solar.”

While enthusiasm for renewable energy sources like heat pumps is palpable, there remains a significant challenge: making them an affordable choice for the average household. Bean Beanland, a staunch advocate from the Heat Pump Federation, stresses this point, “The transition to low-carbon heat is inevitable. But to make it seamless, we must ensure it’s the most economical choice for homeowners. While strides have been made, we need enhanced funding, broader schemes, and more robust support mechanisms. Only then can we genuinely democratise access to sustainable heating solutions.”

The UK’s energy landscape is undergoing a seismic shift. As the cost of conventional energy soars, the appeal of renewable energy is undeniable. Through continuous policy innovation, technological advancement, and public awareness campaigns, the nation is poised to take on the challenges and opportunities of renewable energy’s future. The journey towards net zero is on, and the UK is leading by example.


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