Fuel Your Future: Gas Engineer Training Courses to Ignite Your Career - Viva Training Centre

The demand for skilled and knowledgeable gas engineers has never been higher as the world continues to rely on natural gas as a primary energy source. These professionals play a crucial role in installing, maintaining, and repairing gas appliances and systems, ensuring these critical energy infrastructures’ safe and efficient operation. With the ever-evolving advancements in gas technologies and the industry’s strict regulations, gas engineers must continually adapt and hone their skills to maintain the highest level of competency in their field.

**Note: Even with the eventual change from Natural Gas to Hydrogen Gas, the country and every home will still need a registered Gas Safe engineer to Install, Service, and Repair their heating systems!

In this highly specialised industry, comprehensive training courses are the backbone for aspiring and seasoned gas engineers. These courses equip individuals with the essential knowledge and practical skills required to navigate the complexities of gas engineering confidently. By participating in training courses, engineers can stay up-to-date with industry standards, learn new techniques, and expand their expertise, ensuring they remain at the forefront of their profession.

Viva Training is a leading provider of gas engineer training courses, offering an extensive range of programs designed to cater to various stages of a gas engineer’s career. From foundational courses for new entrants to advanced training programs for experienced professionals, Viva Training’s curriculum is tailored to meet the diverse needs of the gas engineering community.

New Entrant Gas Training Course


Who should attend?

  • Aspiring gas engineers with no prior experience:

The New Entrant Gas Course is designed specifically for individuals with little to no gas engineering experience but a strong desire to build a successful career in the industry. This course provides the fundamental knowledge and hands-on training required to embark on a rewarding journey as a gas engineer.

  • Career changers seeking to enter the gas industry:

The New Entrant Gas Course is an ideal starting point for those considering a career change and looking to enter the thriving gas engineering sector. This comprehensive program equips career changers with the necessary skills and understanding of the industry, setting them on the path to a fulfilling new profession.

Course content

  • Core gas safety training:

The primary focus of the New Entrant Gas Course is to instil a strong understanding of gas safety principles and best practices. Participants learn about essential safety regulations, the proper use of tools and equipment, and the importance of adhering to safety guidelines in their daily work.

  • Domestic gas appliances and systems:

As part of the course, students gain valuable insights into various domestic gas appliances and systems, such as boilers, cookers, and water heaters. They learn how these systems operate, their components, and the correct installation, servicing, and maintenance methods.

  • Practical training and assessments:

The New Entrant Gas Course incorporates hands-on practical training and assessments to ensure aspiring gas engineers can effectively apply their newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios. Students can work on actual gas appliances and systems under expert supervision, allowing them to develop essential skills and competencies required in the field.

Benefits and outcomes

  • Acquiring foundational knowledge and skills:

Upon completing the New Entrant Gas Course, participants will have a solid foundation in gas engineering principles, safety practices, and hands-on skills. This foundational knowledge serves as a stepping stone for aspiring gas engineers to pursue more advanced training and certifications in the future.

  • Preparing for further certification and assessment:

The New Entrant Gas Course not only equips students with the basic skills and understanding required for a career in gas engineering but also prepares them for subsequent certifications and assessments, such as the Accredited Certification Scheme (ACS). By completing this course, aspiring gas engineers are better positioned to continue their professional development and advance their careers in the industry.

Course Details


Gas ACS Training

The Accredited Certification Scheme (ACS) is a nationally recognised qualification for gas engineers. This certification demonstrates an engineer’s competence in working with gas appliances and systems and is a prerequisite for obtaining the Gas Safe Register membership. The ACS certification requires periodic renewal, ensuring that gas engineers maintain their knowledge and skills in line with current industry standards.

Target audience

  • Experienced gas engineers:

The Gas ACS Training course is designed for experienced gas engineers seeking to renew their ACS qualifications or to obtain certification for the first time. This course allows engineers to refresh their knowledge and stay up-to-date with industry regulations and best practices.

  • Those with expired ACS qualifications:

Gas engineers whose ACS qualifications have expired can benefit from the Gas ACS Training course to regain their certification. This training allows them to reacquaint themselves with the latest safety standards and procedures, ensuring they can continue working safely and competently in the field.

Course content

  • Gas safety regulations and best practices:

The Gas ACS Training course significantly emphasises gas safety regulations and best practices. Participants will delve into current safety guidelines, legislation, and industry requirements, enhancing their understanding of safe and compliant work practices.

  • Updating existing knowledge and skills:

The Gas ACS Training course provides an opportunity to update their knowledge and skills to ensure that gas engineers can handle the industry’s evolving demands. The course covers new technologies, installation methods, and maintenance techniques, allowing participants to stay at the forefront of their profession.

  • Assessment preparation and practical training:

The Gas ACS Training course includes theoretical and practical training, preparing participants for the ACS assessment. Through hands-on exercises and simulations, engineers can hone their skills and gain the necessary experience to complete the certification process successfully.

ACS certification benefits and implications

The ACS certification offers numerous benefits for gas engineers, including increased credibility, enhanced career prospects, and access to the Gas Safe Register. The ACS certification also ensures that engineers comply with industry regulations and possess the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver high-quality gas engineering services. By maintaining up-to-date ACS qualifications, engineers demonstrate their commitment to safety and professionalism, instilling trust in potential clients and employers.

Course Details

Hot Water Systems


Course objectives

  • Understanding different hot water systems:

The primary objective of the Hot Water Systems course is to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of various hot water systems commonly used in residential and commercial settings. This knowledge enables engineers to work confidently with different systems, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

  • Maintenance and troubleshooting:

Another crucial course objective is to equip participants with the skills to maintain and troubleshoot hot water systems effectively. The training covers preventive maintenance practices and techniques for diagnosing and resolving common issues, ensuring the longevity and reliability of these systems.

Target audience

  • Gas engineers expanding their skillset:

Gas engineers looking to expand their skill set and enhance their expertise in hot water systems can significantly benefit from this course. By acquiring specialised knowledge in this area, they can broaden their service offerings and increase their marketability in the industry.

  • Plumbing and heating professionals:

The Hot Water Systems course also benefits plumbing and heating professionals who regularly work with hot water systems. This training enables them to deepen their understanding of these systems, ultimately improving the quality of their work and customer satisfaction.

Key topics covered

  • Unvented hot water systems:

The course thoroughly overviews unvented hot water systems, including their components, design principles, and operational characteristics. Participants learn about these systems’ installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, ensuring their ability to work with them competently.

  • Vented hot water systems:

The training also covers vented hot water systems, exploring their unique features, advantages, and limitations. The course delves into installing, maintaining, and repairing these systems, equipping participants with the necessary skills to handle various hot water systems.

  • System components and operation:

A crucial aspect of the Hot Water Systems course is the examination of system components and their operation. Participants learn about various components, such as expansion vessels, safety valves, and thermostats, and their function in ensuring hot water systems’ safe and efficient operation.

Benefits of specialising in hot water systems

Specialising in hot water systems offers gas engineers and plumbing professionals numerous benefits. By acquiring this expertise, they can expand their service offerings, catering to a broader range of clients and increasing their revenue potential. Additionally, the specialised knowledge gained in this course allows them to deliver high-quality services, enhancing their reputation and fostering customer trust. Specialising in hot water systems can significantly contribute to career growth and success in the gas engineering and plumbing sectors.

Course Details

Boiler Fault Finding and Repair


Course goals

  • Enhancing boiler diagnostic skills:

One of the primary goals of the Boiler Fault Finding and Repair course is to help participants develop advanced diagnostic skills. By identifying and analysing boiler issues accurately, engineers can quickly resolve problems, minimising downtime and enhancing customer satisfaction.

  • Learning advanced repair techniques:

The course also aims to teach participants advanced repair techniques for various boilers. Engineers can effectively address multiple boiler-related issues with this knowledge, ensuring optimal system performance and longevity.


Target audience

  • Gas engineers seeking to specialize in boiler services:

Gas engineers who want to specialise in boiler services can benefit immensely from the Boiler Fault Finding and Repair course. This training gives them the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in this niche, increasing their marketability and career prospects.

  • Heating professionals looking to expand their expertise:

Heating professionals looking to broaden their expertise and enhance their skillset can also benefit from this course. By acquiring specialised knowledge in boiler fault finding and repair, they can offer their clients a more comprehensive range of services, improving their business potential.


Course content

  • Boiler components and their functions:

The Boiler Fault Finding and Repair course provides a comprehensive overview of boiler components and their functions. This knowledge is crucial for understanding how boilers operate and identifying the root causes of various issues that may arise during their operation.

  • Identifying common faults and solutions:

The course also covers common boiler faults, their causes, and potential solutions. Participants learn to recognise and diagnose these issues, enabling them to implement effective repair strategies and minimise system downtime.

  • Hands-on practice and simulations:

To ensure that participants can apply their newfound knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios, the Boiler Fault Finding and Repair course includes hands-on practice and simulations. Engineers have the opportunity to work on existing boiler systems, honing their diagnostic and repair skills under expert supervision.


Advantages of expertise in boiler fault finding and repair

Developing boiler fault finding and repair expertise offers numerous advantages for gas engineers and heating professionals. Specialising in this area allows them to stand out in a competitive market, attracting more clients and increasing their revenue potential. Additionally, boiler fault finding and repair proficiency enables them to deliver high-quality services, fostering customer trust and enhancing their reputation. Overall, boiler fault finding and repair expertise can significantly contribute to career growth and success in the gas engineering and heating sectors.

Course Details

Gas Safety Awareness

Gas safety knowledge is paramount for anyone working with or around gas systems. A thorough understanding of safety guidelines and best practices can help prevent accidents, protect lives, and ensure gas appliances and systems safe and efficient operation. Furthermore, gas safety awareness is crucial for compliance with industry regulations, mitigating legal and financial risks.


Target audience

  • Gas engineers:

Gas Safety Awareness courses are essential for gas engineers installing, maintaining, and repairing gas systems. By staying up-to-date with gas safety guidelines, engineers can ensure the well-being of their clients and themselves while on the job.

  • Professionals working around gas systems:

Other professionals who work near gas systems, such as electricians, HVAC technicians, and plumbers, can also benefit from Gas Safety Awareness training. This knowledge enables them to recognise potential hazards and take necessary precautions when working around gas installations.

  • Property owners and managers:

Property owners and managers who oversee buildings with gas systems should also be aware of gas safety principles. This understanding allows them to ensure that their properties adhere to safety regulations, protecting their tenants and investments.


Course content

  • Gas safety regulations and guidelines:

The Gas Safety Awareness course covers the essential regulations and guidelines governing the gas industry. Participants learn about the legal requirements for gas installations, maintenance, and repairs, ensuring they comply with industry standards.

  • Identifying hazards and risks:

The course also teaches participants how to identify potential hazards and risks associated with gas systems. This includes recognising gas leaks, understanding the dangers of carbon monoxide, and being aware of potential fire hazards.

  • Implementing safety measures:
  • The Gas Safety Awareness course participants learn how to implement appropriate safety measures when working with or around gas systems. This includes proper ventilation, the use of safety equipment, and emergency procedures in case of a gas-related incident.


    Implications of gas safety awareness for professional growth

    Gas safety awareness plays a significant role in the professional growth of individuals working with or around gas systems. By demonstrating a commitment to safety, professionals can build trust with clients and employers, enhancing their credibility and reputation in the industry. Additionally, gas safety awareness can help reduce workplace accidents and incidents, resulting in a safer work environment and fewer liabilities. Overall, investing in gas safety awareness training can contribute to long-term career success and personal well-being for professionals involved in the gas industry.
    Course Details

    Gas Safety Management


    Course objectives

    • Developing managerial skills for gas safety:

    The Gas Safety Management course aims to help participants develop the necessary managerial skills to effectively oversee gas safety within their organisation. This includes planning, implementing, and monitoring safety policies and procedures to ensure a safe working environment.

    • Implementing and maintaining safety standards:

    Another course objective is to provide participants with the knowledge and tools to implement and maintain high safety standards within their organisation. This involves staying up-to-date with industry regulations, conducting regular safety audits, and addressing any identified areas of concern.

    Target audience

    • Senior gas engineers:

    Senior gas engineers transitioning into managerial or supervisory roles can benefit from the Gas Safety Management course. The training will help them effectively manage their team and ensure adherence to safety regulations and best practices.

    • Managers and supervisors in the gas industry:

    Managers and supervisors within the gas industry can also greatly benefit from this course. By acquiring a solid understanding of gas safety management principles, they can create a safer work environment for their employees and reduce the risk of accidents and incidents.

    Key topics covered

    • Risk assessment and mitigation:

    The Gas Safety Management course covers the essential aspects of risk assessment and mitigation, teaching participants how to identify potential hazards, assess their impact, and develop appropriate strategies to minimise risks associated with gas systems.

    • Compliance with regulations and standards:

    Participants learn about the various gas safety regulations and standards, ensuring their organisation remains compliant. This includes understanding the roles and responsibilities of the Gas Safe Register and staying informed about any changes in industry requirements.

    • Employee training and development:

    The course also emphasises the importance of employee training and development in promoting a safety culture within the organisation. Participants learn how to design and implement effective training programs, ensuring their team members are knowledgeable and competent in gas safety practices.

    The role of gas safety management in career advancement

    Gas safety management plays a pivotal role in the career advancement of professionals within the gas industry. By acquiring expertise in this area, senior gas engineers, managers, and supervisors can demonstrate their commitment to safety and leadership capabilities, making them valuable assets to their organisation.

    Having a solid background in gas safety management can also open up new opportunities for career progression, such as moving into higher-level management positions or consulting roles. Additionally, individuals with gas safety management expertise are more likely to be responsible for overseeing large-scale projects and handling complex safety challenges.

    Course Details

    Auditing of Gas Work


    Course goals

    • Understanding the auditing process:

    The Auditing of Gas Work course aims to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the auditing process in the gas industry context. This includes learning about the various steps in conducting a gas work audit and the fundamental principles underpinning an effective auditing strategy.

    • Ensuring quality and compliance in gas work:

    Another primary goal of the course is to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to ensure quality and compliance in gas work. By learning to perform comprehensive audits, participants can help maintain high safety and performance standards within their organisation or as external auditors.

    Target audience

    • Gas engineers seeking career advancement:

    Gas engineers looking to advance their careers can benefit from the Auditing of Gas Work course. Developing expertise in auditing can open up new career opportunities and demonstrate their commitment to upholding industry standards.

    • Quality assurance professionals in the gas industry:

    Quality assurance professionals in the gas industry can also benefit from this course. The training will provide them with the specialised knowledge and skills needed to perform gas work audits effectively and contribute to the continuous improvement of their organisation.

    Course content

    • Audit procedures and documentation:

    The course covers the essential procedures and documentation for conducting a gas work audit. Participants learn to plan and execute an audit, gather and analyse evidence, and prepare comprehensive audit reports.

    • Identifying non-compliance:

    The training also teaches participants to identify non-compliance with industry regulations and best practices. By recognising these issues, auditors can help organisations address potential safety hazards and improve overall performance.

    • Remedial actions and follow-up:

    The Auditing of Gas Work course covers recommending and implementing remedial actions to address identified non-compliance issues. Participants learn how to communicate their findings effectively and work with relevant stakeholders to ensure corrective measures are implemented.

    • Best practices in gas work auditing:

    The course also explores best practices in gas work auditing, providing participants with the tools and techniques needed to conduct thorough and efficient audits. This includes staying current with industry developments and leveraging technology to enhance auditing.

    Benefits of acquiring auditing skills for professional growth

    Acquiring auditing skills can significantly contribute to the professional growth of gas engineers and quality assurance professionals. By developing expertise in this area, they can demonstrate their commitment to upholding industry standards and their ability to drive continuous improvement within their organisation. Additionally, proficiency in auditing can open up new career opportunities, such as moving into specialised auditing roles or consultancy positions. Overall, investing in Auditing of Gas Work training can lead to long-term career success and personal development for professionals in the gas industry.

    Course Details

    Training Recap

    Continuous learning and development are crucial for professionals in the gas industry. The industry constantly evolves, with new technologies and regulations being introduced regularly. Gas engineers can remain competitive and enhance their career prospects by staying up-to-date with the latest developments and acquiring new skills and knowledge.

    Viva Training offers comprehensive training courses designed to meet the needs of aspiring and experienced gas engineers. These courses cover various topics, from foundational gas safety training to advanced auditing techniques, providing participants with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the gas industry.

    By completing Viva Training’s courses, professionals can enhance their expertise, increase their marketability, and achieve their career goals. Industry experts deliver the classes and incorporate hands-on training and simulations, ensuring participants can apply their newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios.


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