Don’t Miss Out Of Your ACS Reassessment! - Viva Training Academy

Due to Covid 19, the Gas Safe Register gave engineers a six-month extension on ACS certification that expired during the pandemic. Because of the extension there is now a massive back-log of engineers who will need to complete their ACS reassessment in the New Year.

If this applies to you then please be aware that ACS training centres like Viva are getting very booked up! According to the Gas Safe Register, there’s a four-fold increase in the number of ACS assessments due by March 2021 – that’s a lot of installers competing for a place.

Essential to remain of the Gas Safe Register, any gas installers reading this in Halifax and the surrounding area should get in touch so we can make sure you get your ACS reassessment sorted and your qualifications up to date.

Gas ACS extension criteria

  • Engineers whose ACS qualifications expired before 1st October and have been unable to book/attend an ACS have up to a six-month extension.
  • Engineers whose ACS qualifications expired on or after 1st October have until 31st March 2021 to renew their qualifications.

From 31st March onwards normal ACS reassessment timeframes will resume.

Basically, whether you’ve taken advantage of the extension or not, if you need to get your ACS reassessment done before March 31st, you need to start thinking about this now!

And don’t forget… You can renew qualifications up to six months before the expiration date of your ACS certification.

Gas training with Viva

Our centre is purpose-built, featuring everything from the latest technology to traditional gas appliances which have been in homes for decades. Training is delivered by British Gas installers, in a relaxed environment and as Viva’s based in Halifax, we’re handy for learners across Yorkshire & Humberside, in the North West and North East.

Don’t delay, book your Gas ACS reassessment today!



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