Time’s Running Out On The Gas ACS Renewal Extension - Viva Training Academy

If your gas ACS qualifications are up for renewal you need to get this sorted or risk being removed from the Gas Safe Register.

Now centres like Viva can safely open, with social distancing and virtual training options available, the extension the HSE gave to gas engineers whose ACS qualifications expired during lockdown is coming to an end. If you can access ACS reassessment and it is safe for you to do so, you should.

ACS extension – the current guidelines

At the time of writing, if your ACS qualification has expired, you have six months from the expiration date to complete re-assessment. After this point, unless there are specific circumstances that prevent you from completing re-assessment, you may be suspended from the Gas Safe Register.

Exceptions to this ruling might be if you are in a high risk COVID 19 group and are therefore shielding. If you do have a valid reason for not completing your ACS reassessment within the allotted timeframe, you must provide supporting evidence.

Has your ACS expired?

Gas engineers in Halifax and surrounding areas with expired ACS qualifications should contact us. We are here to help you get re-assessed, essential for maintaining your place on the Gas Safe Register. In fact, the HSE has asked training centres to prioritise candidates whose ACS has expired.

While at the moment the six-month window is still in operation, as the risks posed by COVID 19 hopefully diminish and centre capacity increases, it’s likely at some point in the not too distant future this will come to an end.

The HSE, Gas Safe Register and Viva recommends that you keep your ACS up to date if you can. It’s essential for trading safely. The six-month extension should only be used in special circumstances.

Train safe

Viva has been open throughout lockdown, using virtual teaching and small classroom sizes to avoid unnecessary social interaction. Our centre is clean and fully adhering to the latest government guidelines.

If you feel unsure in anyway, please contact us. We will do our utmost to accommodate your needs – we are committed to helping our customers feel both safe and supported.


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