Should I Become a Heat Pump Installer? - Viva Training Academy

There’s a lot of talk at the moment about the ‘end of gas’, ‘Net Zero’ and a ‘low carbon future’. This can be very confusing for both end users and installers alike, unsure of what the future holds and the choices they should make.

While the exact landscape of what will happen over the next 30 years in terms of heat and power cannot be mapped out with certainty, what I will say is that it’s a really exciting time to be part of the building services industry.

If you’re a plumber, gas installer or electrician then you should be pleased that you made the right career choice – buildings will always need heat and power, how this is delivered may change, but the tradespeople involved in its delivery will always be in demand.

So, in answer to the question, should I become a heat pump installer? The answer is ‘yes’, and here’s why:

600,000 heat pump installations a year by 2028

That’s what the government’s promised. At the moment, we have nowhere near the number of heat pump installers to deliver this target – there are currently only around 1,000 MCS accredited heat pump installers, compared with 130,000 Gas Safe registered installers.

27 million homes and 2 million commercial buildings in need of a low carbon makeover

To meet Net Zero by 2050, this is how many properties will need to be upgraded with energy efficiency measures and low carbon technologies. Granted, these won’t all need heat pumps, but a lot of them will, providing a steady stream of work for years to come.

It doesn’t mean the end of your gas engineering career

Becoming a heat pump installer does not mean ditching gas (or oil), at least not for the time being. The future landscape of building services will be varied, with homeowners choosing multiple technologies and energy saving solutions depending on their property type.

Gas boilers will be with us for many years to come, the latest energy efficient and hydrogen ready options are still being installed and the existing stock will need ongoing servicing and maintenance.

Adding heat pump installation, along with other renewable technologies, such as solar thermal, or photovoltaics and battery storage (if you’re coming from an electrical background), will simply allow you to offer your customers a range of options, best suited to their particular circumstance.

Upskilling is simple for existing plumbing and heating engineers

Heat pump courses are designed for existing plumbing and heating engineers, taking less than a week to complete in most cases. The sector needs people with the right experience and transferable skills. The pool of potential installers is there already – they (you!) just need to recognise the opportunity and get involved!

The ‘low carbon future’ is your future business success. It’s exciting, it’s inevitable and it’s time to take heat pumps and other renewable technologies seriously.
We can help you become a heat pump installer!

Our new Air Source Heat Pump course is coming soon. Register your interest here and we’ll keep you updated.


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