Heating & Plumbing Engineers – you’re Eligible For COVID-19 Testing - Viva Training Academy

Over the coming weeks the UK economy needs to safely be kick started, and that means getting people that can, back to work.

As an essential service, heating and plumbing engineers with symptoms of corona virus (and their households) are eligible for COVID 19 testing.

Frontline work to repair and maintain the supply of heating and hot water to UK homes, schools, hospitals and businesses, has been allowed to continue during lockdown, and in general, the building services sector will be one of first industries to return to business.

Often solitary and key to keeping Britain moving, social distancing and appropriate hygiene measures can be fairly easily implemented in our sector.

How do I get tested for COVID 19?

To apply for a corona virus test, visit: https://www.gov.uk/apply-coronavirus-test

Work safely…

At the time of writing, the UK is slowly coming out of lockdown, with the government advice to go back to work if safe to do so.

Plumbing and heating installers can work, but safety for yourself and the customer is the priority:

  • Maintain 2 metres distance from household occupants.
  • Don’t work in houses where an individual is isolating due to having symptoms, or if they are ‘at risk’ and therefore being shielded, unless it is an emergency and you can keep suitably distant.
  • Don’t work if you or members of your household have coronavirus symptoms, however mild.
  • Consider using PPE, such as disposable gloves, overalls, eye and face masks.
  • Talk to the customer beforehand so you know the situation in their household, explain what you need to do and where so they can keep away from you.
  • Don’t shake hands and wait for them to move away before entering the house.
  • Wash your hands before and after the job, use hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth.
  • Where possible avoid the need for customer signatures. If they are required for the works, send via email or leave with the customer to post at a later date.
  • When you’ve finished the works clean down the area thoroughly and remove any rubbish.


… And legally

Gas installers must keep their Gas ACS up to date where possible. We’re still offering Gas ACS Re-assessment and refresher training, with some elements now available online.

The gas ACS re-assessment is mainly paper based so it’s easy to keep you safe in our classrooms, sticking to government social distancing guidelines.

If you need refresher training, we’re doing this bit ‘virtually’. You get the support and guidance of one of our trainers but from the comfort of your own home.

Contact us for more information.


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