First Dedicated Heat Pump Apprenticeship Launched - Viva Training Centre

The UK has set an ambitious target of installing 600,000 heat pumps annually by 2028, transitioning from fossil fuel heating systems to renewable sources. To achieve this goal, it’s estimated that 39,000 qualified heat pump installers will be needed by the decade’s end. Until now, the UK lacked a dedicated training program for heat pump engineers, with most training being delivered through short courses for already qualified plumbers and traditional fossil fuel heating engineers. The new apprenticeship fills this gap, providing a structured pathway to develop a skilled workforce in renewable heating installation​​​​.


Collaboration and Recognition

Developed by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) in collaboration with the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and a group of heat pump installers, this apprenticeship is a trailblazer in the field. It was chosen earlier this year to carry King Charles III’s Coronation emblem, highlighting its importance in fostering green industry careers​​.

Funding and Incentives

Colleges will receive up to £22,000 for every apprentice under the program, a funding band higher than that for equivalent apprenticeships in fossil fuel heating systems. This attractive funding ensures colleges can support apprentices from diverse backgrounds, providing them with the necessary resources and training. This move underscores the government’s commitment to making renewable energy sectors more inclusive and accessible​​​​.

The Apprenticeship Program

The Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship will focus on equipping learners with the skills needed to design, install, and commission low-carbon heating technologies. Importantly, the apprenticeship also aims to educate these future technicians on how to assist homeowners in decarbonising their homes, ensuring a customer-focused approach to renewable heating solutions. BPEC, a leading provider of training and certification for the building services engineering sector, will be the end-point assessment organisation for the apprenticeship​​​​.

Industry Response

Industry leaders have welcomed the initiative, noting its critical role in developing a future-proof workforce skilled in renewable heating technologies. Employers are particularly encouraged by the prospect of hiring individuals with the right skills and training, which will also reduce the need for additional retraining in low-carbon technologies​​.


Launching the Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship marks a pivotal moment in the UK’s journey towards net-zero emissions. By investing in the education and training of a new generation of heat pump technicians, the UK is not only addressing its environmental goals. Still, it also creates sustainable, future-proof career paths in the green sector. This apprenticeship program represents a significant step forward in building the workforce needed to support the UK’s ambitious renewable energy targets.


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