The UK is in Lockdown Again - VIVA Training Academy is Open!

Following Boris Johnson’s address on Monday, in which he set out the new steps we must all take to try and prevent the spread of Coronavirus, rest assured that Viva Academy is still open and that all courses booked for January and February will run as normal – subject to COVID 19 safety measures.

We’re also taking new bookings.

Construction is essential

As we support the construction sector which covers a variety of services, essential in keeping the country going during these challenging times, our training courses are exempt from the blanket decision to put all further education on a virtual footing. The latest guidelines, published yesterday state:

‘Higher Education provision will remain online until mid February for all except future critical worker courses.’ (That’s us!)

‘For those students who are eligible for face to face teaching, you can meet in groups of more than your household as part of your formal education or training, where necessary. Students should expect to follow the guidance and restrictions. You should socially distance from anyone you do not live with wherever possible.’

Your safety in our hands

We take your welfare and the welfare of others very seriously and have implemented a range of measures to keep you safe whilst you’re training with us. All learners must wear masks and we’ll ensure social distancing wherever possible. There are heightened sanitary arrangements and procedures in place to help everyone at the centre keeps safe.

Come train with us

If you’re not able to work over the next few weeks, due to the lockdown, this could be a great chance to train for a new career.

Our gas new entrants course is the ideal stepping stone for anyone looking to join this lucrative sector and covers everything you need to become Gas Safe Registered – we even provide work placements.

The last year has shown many of us that work can be precarious, but the trades are pretty bullet proof. Whatever’s going on, there will always be demand for skilled tradespeople, so if you’re thinking of taking the plunge, please get in touch and we can help you take the first steps.

Keep safe, keep well and we will get through this!


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