Working Guidance for Gas Engineers after Freedom Day - VIVA Training Academy

Gas engineers are essential workers in society. They keep the nation’s home safe. But they have not been an exception to the pandemic. Their work has also been affected by COVID-19.

However, with Freedom Day, many of the restrictions have been lifted. This does not mean that they should not be cautious of their safety. They also have a responsibility to respect the health and safety of their customers.

The pandemic is going to be around for longer than we expected. This means that we must quickly adapt to new techniques of handling our jobs.

The emergence of the vaccine gives room to uplift some of the measures that were initially in place. Gas engineers must take extra caution since they will be frequently carrying out home visits. They need to adhere to the following actions to ensure their safety:

Risk Assessments

The most crucial thing is the safety of the engineers. They should not compromise their health to do their job. The gas installer should undertake a risk assessment test before beginning any inspection.

In case any risk is identified, the visit is terminated or allocated to another personnel. The gas engineers should be familiar with the details of the job beforehand. This will allow them to plan. They can also gather the tools and equipment that they would use.

Proper planning also minimises the time spent on the customers’ property. It also reduces the number of visits that the installer would otherwise make.

If any of the members of the household shows signs of COVID-19, they should leave the property. The gas engineers must also be vigilant of the household. This is concerning hygiene and social distancing.

They must follow the isolating protocols laid down by the government before commencing with their duties.


Maintaining a well-ventilated workspace is always crucial for hygiene purposes. It ensures that there is always clean and fresh air flowing. This is also the case for our homes.

With poorly ventilated areas, the risk of the virus spreading is even higher. This puts your health and that of the gas engineer at risk. The gas installer can adhere to the following actions to maximise ventilation in their work areas:

  • Conducting risk assessments before starting their duties. This is to ensure that they can identify the poorly ventilated areas. This helps them to make a sound decision on how they can improve the situation.
  • Take advantage of the mechanical vents if they are available. This ensures that there is a continuous flow of fresh air in their surroundings.
  • If possible, they should work in outdoor areas. If not practicable, gas engineers should always ensure that the doors and windows are always open.

Work Clean

The best way to curb the virus is by maintaining clean hygiene. The workstations of the gas engineers should always remain clean. This is before, during, and after their duty.

Even with the uplift of the covid restrictions, they should continue to constantly clean the shared tools and pieces of equipment. They should also emphasise sanitizing before handling the equipment.

Working in enclosed surroundings, the gas engineers are exposed to the virus. They can manage this issue. This is through proper ventilation and regular cleaning of their workstations.

Avoiding Contact

Freedom Day’ comes with the uplifting of some of the social distancing rules. They will not be legally enforceable. There also won’t be any limits on the social contact between people in the same household.

This however does not mean that the virus will no longer be spreading. Everyone should be responsible for their safety. Gas engineers and installers are advised to avoid contact of any type with their customers.

This would reduce the rate of transmission of the virus. Within their workspace, the gas engineers should work individually. This reduces the number of people that the engineer would be in contact with.

If the delegated work cannot be carried out by one person, they can work in fixed teams. This will reduce the number of people each person will be in contact with.

They should also use screens in their workstations. Face-to-face interactions would increase the chances of the virus spreading.

In many cases, the gas engineers would be visiting their customers’ houses. This can be when carrying out an inspection or repairing a broken part.

The gas engineers should communicate with the customer before the visit. This is to discuss the job. It also gives the gas engineer a chance to clarify matters for the customer. It helps to reduce the risks for both parties involved.

The communication also helps the gas engineer and the customer agree at a fixed time. This is to ensure ease when the installer arrives, they have ample time. The gas installer will also be let in safely with minimal contact.

The work should also be carried out when everyone else in the household is isolating. They should try their level best to avoid face-to-face interactions with the client.

For an ideal situation, the gas engineer can ask the other members of the household to stay in another room. This would not only ensure the safety of the installer but also give them ample time when working.

They should also observe simple steps to limit the spread of the virus. This includes leaving all doors and windows opens.

The gas engineer should continue applying the two-meter rule. This is to reduce the risk of contracting the virus since they will be visiting several households. This applies to the gas engineers too. Especially when waiting for the customer to open the door.

If possible, the same gas engineer should also be allocated to the same household. This is to reduce the spread of the virus. They should also thoroughly clean their stations after use. This is as well as proper disposal of any waste.

The engineer should also identify the busy areas inside the house. This can be the staircase or the corridor. They can then minimise their movements in such areas.

If possible, the gas engineer should take breaks outside the house.

The gas engineers are also advised to only use the household facilities when necessary. This is after getting permission from the household owners. It may involve using the washrooms or a glass of water.

They are reminded to wash their hands with soap after using the services. If they are in a position where they cannot wash their hands, they should sanitize. The gas engineer should carry their hand towels to reduce the inconveniences.

The gas engineer should also adhere to basic covid-19 rules to ensure their safety. This includes remembering to avoid touching their mouth, eyes, and nose. It also includes maintaining proper hygiene when at their workstations.

They should also regularly wash their hands with soap and clean water. In the case where this is not available, they should use a sanitizer. They should always carry a hand sanitizer.

An alcohol-based sanitizer is more effective in such a situation. They can also observe basic hygiene while at a customer’s place.

This includes covering their mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing. This can also be done at the sleeve of their hands if a tissue is not around. This reduces the spread of the virus.

Face Masks

With the new laws, face masks will no longer be mandatory. The government however urges people to have them on, especially if in crowded areas. Having your face covering protects those around you from the transmission.

For a gas engineer, having a face covering is essential too. When caring out an inspection or repair at a client’s place, you should always have it on. This makes the household owner even more comfortable around you.

You can also ask the customer if they don’t mind having one on. You can never go wrong with a spare pack of face coverings in your vehicle or toolkit. It should be noted that face masks are not an alternative to other measures. You should always observe the other guidelines too.

If the household owner refuses to adhere to the rules, the gas engineer can leave the place of work. This is after ensuring that the unfinished work is left safe. They are also asked to politely remind the customers to follow the government guidelines.

Disposal of the wastes should be done carefully. The gas engineer should ensure all the wastes are dumped and should clean the workstation after use. They are also expected to leave with all their personal belongings and tools.

When leaving, they should once again wash their hands. This is to ensure they do not transmit the virus. If not possible, use a sanitizer.


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