Why Proper Training For Electricians Is Crucial - Viva Training Academy

It is crucial that electricians receive proper training for a number of very important reasons. The most important reason is an electrician that is not properly trained is likely to make errors that can result in property damage, serious injury or death. The work of properly trained electricians can also improve the functioning of things people use every day, keep themselves, their co-workers and their customers safe, enhance the quality of people’s lives, give them more opportunities for career advancement and help them to enjoy better job security because to their employer they are a valued employee.

Risk Involved

Electricians routinely find themselves in situations where they are exposed to a great deal of risks. They are often called on to work on, with and around dangerous high current equipment, live electrical wires and high voltage batteries. Without the right training, their health and safety would be at serious risk every time they report to their worksite. It’s only through proper training are electricians able to identify, handle and safely work with the wide gamut of potentially life threatening level of electric power they encounter in the homes and businesses where they do installation and repair work each day.

Reduced Work Related Risk Level

Electricians who complete a rigorous, comprehensive training program that combines work in the classroom, hands-on practical experience and guidance and help from experienced professionals, are better prepared for the challenges they encounter on the job. Their training teaches them the effective use and importance of safety equipment. Properly trained electricians also learn and understand how to manoeuvre in different types of working conditions to avoid unpleasant accidents. This reduces their work related risk level and makes it less likely that the electrician will suffer a work related injury.

More Efficient, Better Work

When an electrician receives proper training, it is immediately evident once they get to work. In-depth training makes electricians acutely aware of their duties and the mechanisms they need to use to accurately diagnose and repair electrical problems. The proper training helps electricians to work faster and more efficiently and produce high quality work. Once the client tells the electrician the problem they are having, their training helps them to understand what tools, equipment and techniques will be the most effective for solving the problem and addressing the client’s concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Clear Effective Communication

One of the things electricians that are properly trained learn is how to communicate clearly and effectively. This helps create a safer, more productive, work environment for both the electrical workers, other tradespeople and the client. When electricians are trained to clearly communicate safety and other job related instructions, it makes the work go more smoothly. People understand exactly what needs to be done when and it’s less likely mistakes, accidents and injuries will occur. Clear communication helps to create a pleasant work environment and makes it possible to do more, better, safer and faster work.

Compliance With All Applicable Rules And Regulations

Another benefit of proper training for electricians is that it makes them aware of the applicable rules and regulations for working with electricity and the importance of strict compliance to them. There are many diverse industrial and governmental rules and regulations regarding electricity and how it must be handled during installation and repair of infrastructure and electrical appliances and equipment. Adhering to all of them is second nature to properly trained electricians and is essential to safety and the successful completion of tasks in the workplace. Without compliance informed by proper training, there will be chaos and danger.

Working Safely In Densely Populated Buildings

Electricians who receive proper training know how to work safely in densely populated buildings in relatively close proximity to people. Working with dangerous levels of electricity is challenging enough without people milling about. When properly trained, electricians know how to safely go about their work in crowded markets and occupied apartments without being uncomfortable or losing their focus. Expert electricians are taught how to ensure the technical work they are doing is not disrupted or does not present a danger to the people in the area when the work is being done.

Educating The Customer

When electricians are properly trained they can educate the owners and people who are frequent visitors to the commercial and residential properties on which they are doing work on how to prevent electrical issues like overloading the circuits that can cause power outages or even fires. This is important because the work electricians perform isn’t always done on buildings that are under construction or empty. Being able to give valuable safety tips, advice and guidance on the proper use of electricity as well as electrical appliances in the homes and businesses makes properly trained electricians more valuable.

Knowledge Of Effective Preventative Maintenance Requirements And Procedures

Properly trained electricians know the importance of and requirements and procedures for effective preventative maintenance. They also know the installation and maintenance requirements for protective devices to prevent arc flash energy incidents as well as the potential impact it can have. Electricians with proper training know how to perform testing and preventative maintenance to make sure that electrical distribution systems have the needed integrity and reliability. This ensures the equipment and personnel interacting with them are protected through the appropriate use of overcurrent devices.

Protecting Conductors And Other Equipment

Electricians who are properly trained know how to protect conductors and the conductor insulation from excessive or dangerous temperatures by opening the circuit should the current value reach a dangerous level. The effective use of circuit breakers to prevent problem with excessive temperature from damaging conductors or conductor insulation is something well-trained electricians are taught. They are taught the key requirements and recommendations in the manufacturer’s instructions for proper electrical equipment use and maintenance. Making sure electricians have adequate training and are qualified to install, maintain, test and repair electrical equipment of all types before they can join the workforce is vitally important.

Potential For Excellent Benefits

Properly trained electricians also enjoy a number of excellent benefits. They work in a very prestigious profession, they can earn a large, stable, salary and because of the importance of the work they do, people treat electricians who are well-trained and have the right credentials, with a great deal of respect. Electricians with advanced degrees and specialized training are in great demand. They can choose the job opportunity that helps them to attain their career goals. With the right training, education and a work background that provided them with valuable experience, electrician enjoy a great deal of job satisfaction.

A Necessary Investment

Investing the time and money electricians need to be properly trained is a very wise and necessary investment. Without completing the right type of comprehensive training program before beginning to work in their field, electricians can put themselves, the people they work with and the people who frequent the properties they work on at risk.

When electrical work is not done properly it can lead to fires, serious injury and even death. Hiring an electrician that’s not properly trained is irresponsible, dangerous and illegal.

A Moral And Professional Obligation

Employers have a moral and professional obligation to ensure any electrician they hire has completed an good electrician training course from a properly accredited and well respected training program and has the training, knowledge, skills, qualifications and certifications necessary to do the job safely and properly.


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